Thanks for visiting the Work-Trade page!
This is a member program that exchanges studio tasks with discounts on your next month’s membership dues.
Here is how it works:
Each month, we’ll post a new Work-Trade sheet on the community bulletin.
8 points are equivalent to $20 off your next month’s dues.
Tasks that need to be completed multiple times a month will appear on the sheet once for each time they should be completed. For example, something that should be completed 2x a month will be listed twice.
Note: tasks that need to be completed 2x a month should be done approximately every two weeks, tasks that need to be completed 4x a month should be done approximately weekly, etc.
Once a task is complete, fill out your name in the Completed By column and the date in the Date column.
Monthly cutoff is the 25th of each month - meaning that any tasks completed from 26th of the previous month through 25th of the current month will be credited to your next month’s dues. Credits are automatically applied to your monthly auto-pay billing.
See below for estimated time and breakdowns of each task.
Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to Kassy or Jordyn.